Address: 5 Tomlinson Place, Armadale WA
Phone: 0447 800 576

Welcome to Simon's Garden the home of Dahlias WA


Dahlias WA

Hello, I am Simon Wright, welcome to my new domain

This is a development from the 2021 start of Kelmscott Dahlias ~ then based in a small property in Kelmscott ~ to 2022 by creating Simons Garden Nursery – at a new and more spacious property in Armadale ~ now the name shortened to Simons Garden in 2023, and in 2024 hosted on a new Domain Dahlias WA.

With this initiative I will be focussing on selecting and the growing of Dahlias of all types and varieties plus complimentary and beneficial plants for Dahlias in Western Australia.

It is my hope that this becomes a resource for home gardeners – be they Dahlia enthusiasts, just starting out with this amazing range and diversity of flower forms, and wonderful colours, or established growers wanting to improve their Dahlia growing.

I also hope to provide appropriate cultivation and plant management guidance for your intended use of Dahlia flowers – whether for massed garden display, a home cutting garden, micro cut flower farm or something on a larger scale.

This site is for all Dahlia enthusiasts and growers in Western Australia ~ connecting you to the world of Dahlias in Australia, and overseas, providing you the resources and information to successfully grow Dahlias in our unique state. Visit and become a Friend of my Dahlia specific Profile dahlias.wa.2023

Primarily, my focus will be growing in the Perth region but hope to add guidance for other areas of our vast state with contributions from existing Dahlia growers in the south west, north east and inland areas ~ if you feel that you would like to contribute please email me at


Most suburban gardens, probably like yours and mine we traditionally start with a ‘front’ and ‘back’ garden, maybe a veggie patch, a cutting flower garden, a native garden, some lawn, or grass areas, or may be restricted to pots or containers. Isn’t that true?

We are all aware of how valuable water is in Western Australia and there is also concern about the effects of our changing climate.

Also, over the past few years there have been a general movement towards a more natural way of gardening, with less soil disturbance and actually ‘feeding the soil’ to provide a better environment and food for plants – instead of relying on artificial and chemical fertilisers.

Alongside this move there is also a general acceptance that the more diverse your planting, within you micro or macro climate, increased biodiversity, more natural pest and disease control – in addition to creating a beneficial visual and sensory experience.

Gardening is good for the body, mind, and soul – great to share and full of never-ending learning.

So, this is what My Garden (Simons Garden) is all about but based around my passion for the amazing dahlia species!

This is a process; the complete picture is not here yet – and probably never will be!

We should never be afraid to start something new – whatever our age, experience, or lack of knowledge.

With this phase I am using the experience (aka lessons) of the past to create ‘my’ garden.

I hope that you will join me on an adventure to create your garden – it is your painting, use your gardening brush with joy and colour your world!

This is the vision of my garden, it is not set in stone, just an overall look and feel that I want: Lush, Green, lots of colour, scent, and useful produce – flowers, edibles, and flavourings!


From just lawn a couple of years ago I have improved the soil in border beds, planted annuals, and mainly Dahlias – bedding and some standard varieties.

Being somewhat exposed, particularly the summer of 2023-2024 I have added two plant groups to grow as filtered light and natural vertical support for my Dahlias and other plants – my choice are Frangipanis and Hibiscus.

Both these may be easily propagated from cuttings, and a wide range are available from suppliers. They are easily managed by height and width, and both provide wonderful flowers, and in the case of Frangipani, delightful scent.

That is my choice that you will se depicted in my emerging garden plan; your choice may be different or a variation. That is your choice!

Complimenting the flowers of Dahlias during the summer and Autumn are the Cottage Garden favourites Sweet Peas, and in addition to create variety a selection of other Cottage Garden type plants, herbs and I will introduce some suitable edibles.

To provide climbing frames I use trellis and for further wind and some sun protection I have Cupressus and other shrubs trees in large pots. On the outside of the front fence I have mostly native bushes – and intend to develop a verge garden of useful native and bush food plants.

Dahlias in the front garden will be more of Border, Bedding and selected feature Standard types – including Hybrid Tree Dahlias and the more common Dahlia Imperialis Tree Dahlia.


This is very much under reconstruction (2024) – surrounding the lawn areas, that are an extended chicken run, I hope to achieve a more Tropical Garden created around two wide borders with Citrus and some Tropical fruit trees – space is limited, so only a small selection. Edibles, Herbs and Flavouring plants to be added.

Included in the back garden is a 9m x 3m tunnel house, a 6m x 3m shade area, chicken housing and composting area. In addition, there are extensive shade and patio areas.

Dahlias in the Back Garden will be more of Cutting varieties and trial seed beds.

Seasonal postings of both front and back gardens will be posted regularly on my @simonsgarden Facebook page; on @simonsgardennursery on Instagram & Threads; also on Profile dahlias.wa.2023; most will then be posted to my BLOG. See also RESOURCES; and CONTACT ME.


DAHLIAS WA – Dahlia Specialist in Western Australia

Nursery Door Sales By Appointment Only

Appointment Bookings between Tuesday – Thursday 9am – 6pm, via our Facebook Page

Available for plant sales Saturday and Sunday 9am -1 pm (but closed on the last weekend every month!)

Our New Sweet Peas Varieties – Perfect Compliment To Dahlia Gardens


For up to date news, growing tips and more….please see the BLOG tab!

‘I hope you enjoy the world of plants and Dahlias as much as I do.
Cheers, Simon’.

HAVE A WONDERFUL GARDENING DAY – whatever you are growing!
